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To celebrate your bravery and the bravery of women across the globe by collaborating with artisans in Cambodia to create handmade jewelry that provides job opportunities to artisans in need.


The Brave Collection is a Social Business, meaning that we value our social impact as much or more so thank our annual revenue, as we work to drive social change through business. The idea for The Brave Collection came out of a desire to fight human trafficking and support a vibrant culture that was decimated by war. We initially thought fundraising for non-profits was the best way to accomplish this goal. As important as this work is, we soon learned that given our mission, impact goals, and our unique skill set, the way we could generate the most good was actually though social business.

There is a population of people in Cambodia who are in need of the help of non-profits, which is why we are so proud to donate a percentage of profits to support those who are most vulnerable. We learned that there is also a significant population of people in Cambodia who are capable of incredibly high quality work, yet lack the job opportunities or access to the global market to be given a chance to perform. With so much of Cambodia’s economy run by non-profits, our primary goal became to provide sustainable jobs rather than hand outs, breathing new life into the once flourishing creative community of this ancient culture, and empowering a new generation of leaders in the community.


We donate 10% of our profits to non-profit organizations working to fight human trafficking or empower women across the globe through leadership development and job training in the creative arts. In 2013, we were able to donate enough to  cover the cost of schooling for 100 survivors of trafficking in Cambodia. The rest of our profits are invested back into our growing business so that we may expand our reach, our awareness campaigns, our artisan team across the globe, and our annual donations.

We love to hear from you! For all other questions please feel free to e-mail us at